I wish I had a time machine. Wait, before you start thinking that all the working out and eating healthy has turned me a little crazy, listen to why… I really wish that I could go back in time and tell my “then me” that this isn’t as hard as it looks. I always told myself that I was already fat, why care? I don’t think I’m alone in this feeling. Or how about, I’m too out of shape to start working out? I know, when I write that now, I don’t even know how that made sense to me. I could have been spending all these years forming good habits, eating well, exercising. Not that I am kicking myself for back then, because I am doing it now. The longer you wait, the harder it is. Trust me, I have been there. It’s as if you are waiting for someone to do it for you. Well, folks, it’s not going to happen. You are the only one who can make you do it! I don’t know how much I emphasize that. No matter how supportive my team or the trainers at the gym are, I am the one who is pushing me to succeed. I am doing this for me! Me.

I did not lose any weight this week, and I am okay with that. Really! I didn’t even flinch when I stepped on

the scale and it read the same as it did last week. I feel amazing! I feel strong, and a little bit wiser. I feel like I could do anything. I have really been trying to embrace what I said last week. “No excuses.” I didn’t make any excuses why I couldn’t work out this week, I just did it. I woke up early and got myself to the gym. I worked through the pain. I pushed myself to get one inch lower, or run a little further.
As the end of the challenge nears I am starting to feel sad. I will really miss my Transformation Challenge mates (no matter how grumpy they sometimes look at 6:30am). I have created life-long bonds with some of these women, and I’m so happy that I did. I am a different, better person for it. You ladies really give me strength, and inspiration. I hope that I can be that for you too!

Nine weeks down, only 3 weeks to go (can you believe it!).
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