I want to inspire you, blog-reader. I want you to finish reading this blog and believe that you can do anything you want to do. I want to tell you that you should eat better, workout more, and just feel good about yourself. I can’t tell you to do these things; you have to want to do them. I think that has become something really hard for me. It’s just like telling someone with low self-esteem that they are amazing, unless they believe it, it doesn’t mean as much. A couple weeks ago I was out to dinner and suddenly had this realization of how horribly people eat. I watched as a nearby table stuffed their faces full of ribs, steak, mashed potatoes, and breadsticks. As I watched in horror, I thought to myself “I can never eat out again…I can’t watch people do this to themselves”. I wanted to walk up to every table and tell them that they didn’t have to live like this, and that I, myself was the reason they could believe this. I then realized that I focus too much of my attention on what other people do. I rarely think about the things that I really want. I am consumed with trying to run other peoples’ lives, whether I say it out loud or not. I think the reason is that it’s so much easier to imagine how to fix someone else, then focus on anything that is wrong with you.
Jean Steel gave an amazing and truly inspirational presentation last weekend. I felt like I had a big slap in the face (the good kind), where you realize what you’ve been doing to yourself. Yes, I feel good about working out now. And yes, I eat 100 times better than I used to. The weird thing is that I still feel stressed and overwhelmed by myself pretty much all the time. I made goals for myself last weekend, things that I want to do in life, things I want to have. I have a really clear vision of what it is I want to do. I never want to work at a job I hate again. I only want to say ‘yes’ to things that I really want to do. I want to say what’s on my mind in a constructive way. I want to change my life. I feel so empowered now. I imagine it’s like being a hurdle jumper before a big race. I see all the hurdles ahead of me, and I am ready. I felt strangely contented this week, more so than I have ever felt before. I am on my way, and this is not the last you will see from me! Just remember that it’s never too late to do the things you want to do. Start today!
Now feeling good on the inside made my week go by really quickly. When I woke up in the morning it wasn’t a question of IF I was going to go to the gym it was WHEN. It wasn’t a question of IF I can eat healthy today, it was HOW. As the 11th week came to a close I felt really good. Not because I am ready for it to be over, but because I now know that I have a solid foundation for the rest of my life.
11 weeks down ladies, it’s our final week! I am so proud of each one of you, and I feel really inspired and blessed by having you in my life!
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