Today might not be the most inspiring day to write this blog, blog-reader. This has been a hard week for me physically and even more challenging waking up feeling under the weather this morning. I think that is probably one of the hardest things about doing this challenge…waking up, dragging yourself out of bed even when you feel like you should turn the alarm off, roll over and sleep ALL day. Even after feeling that way this morning, I still, unhappily, rolled out of bed and drove myself in the dark to bootcamp.

Part of this morning’s motivation came from our guest speaker on Saturday, Jeff Troesch, a sports psychologist. I think everyone found a little something different to take away from the presentation, but what really stuck with me is taking it one day at a time. I, myself, am an instant gratification type person with a tendency to look into the future too much, so this is a hard task for me, but it helps! I am setting my goal to get one day better every day. You can only get one day better in one day, right? So every day I push myself a little bit harder because I know I can do it. There are going to be days where you get a little side-tracked from your goal. You might not feel like working out, or maybe you have some cake to celebrate a birthday. Don’t keep kicking yourself! Wake up the next day and get back on track. For me in the past this has been a huge part of it. I ruin one day by having something deliciously fried, or delectably chocolate and I can’t get myself back in the mode. Jeff’s talk really made me realize that, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

I do have to say as challenging things have been in the gym and in life these past five weeks; I have not once cheated myself. Every time I go to work out, I go as hard as I can, even if I feel like I’m going to die. As far as eating goes, it gets easier with time. I know you can’t imagine not having that bowl of icecream after dinner, but I stopped even craving it. I stopped letting food control my life.

I am starting to see a change in myself both mentally and physically. I don’t think I have ever felt this good (not today, feeling under the weather) in my whole life. I never thought that I would be a person that enjoys going to the gym. I always told myself that I don’t have enough energy to work out, but I have more now. I can only tell you about my experience, and hope that it inspires you to take control of your life. Stop making excuses; I know you can do it!
Transformation Challenge ladies, you are looking great and I can’t imagine doing this without you. You inspire me most of all. Keep up the good work! 5 weeks down, 7 to go!
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