I am happy. My body is happy. After the last eight weeks I feel like I can do anything that I set my mind to. My beautiful friend and Transformation Challenge mate, Melissa, was wearing a shirt on Wednesday that made me think. She wore a Nike shirt that said “Just do it”. On the drive home from the gym I started to think about what a good slogan for me would be, in life. I decided that my slogan is “No excuses”. My whole life I have always come up with reasons why I couldn’t do things. A little over eight weeks ago I was thinking a lot about the reasons I couldn’t do this challenge. “I don’t know anyone.” “I haven’t done any kind of physical activity since high school; I probably won’t be able to keep up.” “Twelve weeks is a long time, and I’m not sure I can commit myself to that.” “I am too fat to work out.” And so on, and so forth. Honestly, I can convince myself not to do anything I don’t want to do. I know I am not alone in this. I think it’s very common especially when your body is telling you that you need to get back in shape, or in shape in general. “I’m too busy.” “Work is too stressful right now.” “I have too many responsibilities with my family.” Do any of these excuses sound like you? I think the most important thing I have learned is I am the only one who can push myself to do this. I am the only one there at 5:30am pushing myself to get out of bed in the morning, or having a delicious wheat burrito while everyone else is having deep fried burritos. I am also that person that “will start on Monday”. Today. Today my friends,
is the day to start. Make good food decisions. Get on that treadmill and
walk a little. It won’t be easy at first, but after a couple weeks it will become second nature to you. I even find myself trying not to make excuses why I can’t do other things besides eat well, and exercise. After all, I’ve come this far already. I can do anything!
I stepped on the scale on Monday to find that I had lost the four pounds I had gained last week. After being emotionally kicked down by that number last week I was not going to let it happen again. Eight weeks ago my body had NO muscle. None. Zero. Now, I can feel muscles (and I make everyone else feel them too). Be proud Transformation Challenge ladies of how far you’ve come, and share your successes with your family and friends. Inspire people to start today. I even become more inspired by women at the gym. I am always floored by the amount of work people put in to keep themselves fit. Skinny women (the ones I would always secretly hate for having the body I wanted) are in the gym ALL the time, working their little butts off. It’s not easy for anyone. Once a week I see a woman come into the gym that is overweight enough to have trouble walking. She gets on a bike and goes at her own pace for about 20-30 minutes. I am totally inspired by her. If she can do that, I can certainly do this. And so can you!
Eight weeks down ladies, only 4 short weeks to go!