Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Go Red" this February.

When we think of February, the first association that typically pops into our heads is Valentine's Day. Hallmark--not to mention wives/girlfriends/significant others everywhere (a small stereotype permitting, if you will)--without question, have trained us all quite well.

This month in 2008, also "American Heart Month," I challenge you to consider an exceptionally different "association" for February : The American Heart Association. With that said, let me share with you a rather abrupt fact published by the AHA Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics for 2008.

Fact: Heart disease is the #1 killer of all women.

Are you at risk? Does heart disease and/or its associated risk factors run in your family? More importantly, do you even know?

The American Heart Association has taken an aggressive stance on this statistic--determined to make a difference not only in the report which will be published in 2009, but also in the lives of millions of American women, their families, and friends.

I encourage each and every man and woman to take a moment and visit http://www.goredforwomen.org./ This site is dedicated to not only raising awareness on this issue, but also to providing resources and education that women need to help live heart-healthy lives.

Again, www.goredforwomen.org. Join me in "Going Red" this February to help raise awareness for all the wonderful women in our lives.

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